Mojave Airport Industrial Parcel




Location- e/o Mojave Airport

Area- Mojave area
Acres-  1.25 acres
APN- 428- 041- 12
Zoning- M-1, light industrial, Kern County
Topography- level & flat
Dimensions- 165 ft x 330 ft 

Utilities- none to property


Price- $17,000 ($.31 cents per sq ft)

Existing Notes-  free and clear
Terms-  all cash

RemarksLocated east of Mojave Airport and west of Hyundai test track. As mentioned above, subject parcel is sandwiched between two of Mojave is high profile venues- the airport and the Hyundai test track. Mojave Airport is competing to become the world is leader in the commercialization of space travel. Scaled Composites of Mojave, founded by Burt Rutan, is developing the next generation space craft that will take civilian passengers into space. Rutanês SpaceshipOne has already accomplished the goal of manned space flight with a safe return to earth. Scaled Composites is now developing SpaceshipTwo which will seat 6 passengers, a pilot and a co-pilot. Scaled Composites is backed up by some strong aerospace players. Northrop Grumman now owns Scaled Composites. SC as well, has a joint venture with Virgin Atlantic, as Virgin Atlantic also has goals of commercializing space travel.Subject parcel is only one half mile east of the Hwy 58 Bypass.

Buyer(s) should verify the location and access costs of all utilities, and any potential land use desired.


SAFETY & CAUTION: Anyone inspecting, or walking on the property,
    off the road, should be aware that rattlesnakes and other desert wild life
could be in the area. 
Be careful and use common sense!       


Directions to Property: From the City of Lancaster, proceed north on the Fwy 14 towards the Mojave area. Proceed into Mojave and turn east (right) on Hwy 58. Proceed 4 miles east on Hwy 58. Stop. Subject parcel is 3 miles due north from this point.