2.52 Acre Rosamond Home Site |
Location- |
at 93rd St West, on Sue Ave | |
Area- |
west Rosamond, 1.25 miles s/o Rosamond Blvd. | |
Acres- |
2.52 net acres |
APN- |
374- 171- 07 |
Zoning- |
Estate 2.5 | |
Topography- |
lat & level | |
Dimensions- |
330’ x 330’ | |
Utilities- |
Elec & tele are on 90th St West | |
Price- |
$9,500 | |
Existing Notes- |
free and clear | |
Terms- |
all cash | |
Remarks- |
Located in western Rosamond at 91st St West, on Sue Ave, just 278 feet west of paved 90th St West. These large rural residential lots are part of Tract 2077. Nearest homes are on 90th West. Elec & tele are on 90W as well. Water source would be well water. Parcel is just 1.25 miles south of Rosamond Blvd and just minutes away from downtown Rosamond’s commercial area and services. Area homes use septic systems. Zoning would allow horses & farm animals. Highest
& Best use: rural home site / hold for investment |
Safety and Cautions- |
Anyone inspecting, or walking on the property, off the road, should be aware that rattlesnakes and other desert wild life could be in the area. Be careful and use common sense! | |
Directions to Property- |
the AV Fwy 14, exit at Ave A. Go west on Ave A for approximately 7.0
miles to 90th St West. At 90th St West (paved) turn right (north) and
go 1.6 miles to Charan Ave, a good quality dirt road. Turn left (west)
on Charan Ave and go 278 feet to first dirt road (Prospect St). Turn
right (north) on this dirt road and go north 330 feet. Stop.
You are now at the SW corner of subject property. It is highly recommended
that you take bottom photo with you.